Intasc Standard # 3: "The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners."
The major thing that needs to be understood by teachers is how each student is unique. They are all going to have different past experiences, backgrounds, knowledge and learning preferences. The role of the teacher is to embrace each of these individual traits and provide an environment that enriches their critical thinking skills and overall learning atmosphere.
In every class period each individual student is going to grow up in different neighborhoods, with parents that are always in their lives, or not in their lives at all. These different backgrounds reflect on each students personality. When students grow up in a variety of backgrounds, each students prior knowledge is different and that brings diverse perspectives on subjects in the classroom. Students will be able to share these different experiences with one another, so other students can learn from one another and gain a whole new outlook on certain subjects. This can also bring students together because they will learn to respect each others differences and opinions, as well as find similarities between them and their peers.
This leads to how important group discussion is in the classroom. In classrooms some students don't like answering questions or feel comfortable talking in big groups. By having small group discussions students will feel more comfortable and be able to engage in class group discussion. The importance of these discussions is for students to be using their critical thinking skills and using effective communication with one another. Students can also work in small groups on projects, homework, and activities. The biggest struggle with this is keeping the students on task and focused on what they should be learning, so the classroom management aspect of this is extremely important for it to be effective. It is also important to use differential learning in your classroom. By using small groups, large groups, working individually, and using different learning preferences. Different strategies like this in the classroom will keep the students engaged, and meet the needs of each individual students.
One last important things is that first day/week of school when you get to know your students and as the teacher be able to know the individual approaches you should use for that certain group of students. By getting to know the students on a more personal level, you will understand how to adapt to each of their diverse learning styles. Teachers should also be aware that students are always changing and growing, so they should always know how to adapt and create a stimulating learning environment.