Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Future Classroom

I am still unsure if I would want my future class to be like Education 132. There are a lot of positives and negatives to both. Therefore I think that an equal balance of the two is what I would want in my classroom. I think having the discussion based classroom is a great way to get students engaged in the material, but you also need to have that balance of independent work. Especially in a math classroom I think having an both group work and individual work, students will end up having a greater understanding of the material. In my mathematics classroom I believe that I would have to have a grading system for the students. It is beneficial for students to have homework so they have a greater knowledge of the material they are learning. I also think in high school homework can also be a tool of motivation. The part that will be the hardest is having the students understand the importance of doing the homework and comprehend the material, over just getting it done for the grade. Overall I enjoy the way that Education 132 is set up like, but I don’t think that my mathematics classroom would be able to be set up the same way. In the end I need to see what works best for each group of students and accommodate those needs to how my classroom is run.

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